Detroit-style pizza is a unique and popular variety of pizza known for its distinct characteristics. Here are the key features that define Detroit-style pizza:

  1. Shape and Pan: Detroit-style pizza is traditionally rectangular, baked in a square or rectangular steel pan. The pans were originally used in Detroit’s automotive industry to hold small parts, which gave the pizza its unique shape and texture.
  2. Crust: The crust is thick and airy, with a chewy and slightly crispy texture. It is reminiscent of a focaccia bread, with a light and airy inside and a crunchy, caramelized outside. The crust’s edges are often crispy due to the cheese that melts and caramelizes along the sides of the pan.
  3. Cheese: A generous layer of Wisconsin brick cheese is used, covering the entire dough, which extends to the edges. This creates the characteristic crispy cheese crust along the edges. Sometimes, a mix of mozzarella and brick cheese is used.
  4. Toppings and Sauce: Toppings are placed directly on the cheese, with the sauce added last. The sauce, often a slightly sweet and tangy tomato sauce, is ladled in stripes or dollops on top of the cheese and toppings. This method of layering ensures that the cheese and toppings don’t burn in the high-temperature oven.
  5. Baking: The pizza is baked at a high temperature, which helps achieve the crispy, caramelized edges and the airy, light crust.
  6. Portions: Detroit-style pizza is typically cut into squares, making it easy to share and enjoy.
  7. Regional Popularity: While it originated in Detroit in the 1940s, it has gained popularity beyond Michigan and can now be found in pizzerias across the United States.

Overall, Detroit-style pizza is known for its delicious combination of a thick, airy crust with crispy edges, a generous amount of cheese, and a unique layering of toppings and sauce that sets it apart from other styles of pizza.

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