
1. Fresh Eggs – Chickens will provide fresh eggs daily for your family to enjoy

2. Organic Pest Control – Chickens can help reduce pests in the garden by eating insects and weeds

3. Fertilizer – Chicken manure is an excellent fertilizer that can be used in the garden or on lawns

4. Meat – If you choose, chickens can also provide meat for your family

5. Companionship – Raising chickens provides companionship as they are social animals and love to interact with humans

6. Cost Savings – Raising chickens reduces grocery bills since you have a source of food right at home

7. Education – Children learn about responsibility when caring for their own flock of chickens



1. Noise – Chickens can be noisy and may disturb your neighbors

2. Smell – Chicken manure has an unpleasant smell that some people find off-putting

3. Space Requirements – Chickens need a coop and run to stay healthy and safe, which requires space in the yard or garden

4. Predators – Wild animals such as foxes, hawks, raccoons, etc., may prey on chickens if they are not properly secured

5. Disease Risk – If not taken care of properly chickens can become ill with diseases like salmonella or avian flu

6. Cleaning Up After Them – Regular cleaning of their coop is necessary to keep them healthy and free from parasites

7. Legal Restrictions – Depending on where you live there might be legal restrictions for raising chickens, so be sure to check with your local municipality before getting started. 8. Veterinary Care – Ensure you have a veterinarian who is experienced in chicken care for regular checkups and treatments if necessary.

What is needed to build a hen house:

1. Choose a Location for the Hen House – Consider factors like sunlight, shelter from predators, and distance from neighbors

2. Gather Materials to Build the Hen House – Research materials that are best suited for your climate and budget

3. Design Your Hen House – Decide on size, shape, ventilation, insulation needs etc.

4. Build the Hen House – Follow instructions carefully when constructing the hen house

5. Add Nesting Boxes and Roosts – Provide comfortable places for chickens to lay eggs and sleep

6. Install Perches – Place perches in different areas of the hen house so chickens can move around easily

7. Introduce Chickens to their New Home – Make sure they have food, water, and space to roam before letting them into their new home

8. Maintain Cleanliness – Regularly clean out bedding material or replace it as needed

Pre-built Chicken Coops:

Home Depot

Lowes Home Improvement

IFA – Getting started raising chickens