Milk is a nutrient-rich, opaque white liquid produced by mammals, primarily for nourishing their young. It is commonly obtained from cows, but can also come from other mammals such as goats, sheep, and buffalo. The composition of milk may vary slightly depending on the animal species and diet, but generally, it contains water, proteins (such as casein and whey), fats, lactose (milk sugar), vitamins (like vitamin D, vitamin A, and various B vitamins), and minerals (such as calcium and potassium).

Milk is a highly versatile food item and is a staple in many diets worldwide. It’s consumed in various forms, including whole milk (with its natural fat content), reduced-fat or low-fat milk, and skim milk (with most of the fat removed). It serves as a primary source of essential nutrients, especially calcium and vitamin D, contributing to bone health and overall growth in humans, particularly children.

Beyond its consumption as a beverage, milk is used to produce various dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, butter, cream, and ice cream. It is also a common ingredient in numerous culinary recipes, both savory and sweet, due to its ability to add richness, texture, and flavor to dishes.

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