Clam chowder is a type of soup or stew primarily made with clams and broth. There are several variations of clam chowder, each with its own distinct characteristics based on the region it comes from. The most well-known versions include:

  1. New England Clam Chowder: Also known as “Boston Clam Chowder,” this version is creamy thanks to the use of milk or cream and is thickened with potatoes. It typically contains onions and celery and is seasoned with herbs like thyme and bay leaves. It is known for its rich, comforting texture and is often served with oyster crackers on the side.
  2. Manhattan Clam Chowder: A tomato-based version that is distinct for its use of tomatoes in the broth, giving it a reddish color and a slightly tangy flavor. It usually contains vegetables like onions, celery, and sometimes carrots, along with potatoes. This version is thinner and has a brothier consistency compared to the creamy New England version.
  3. Rhode Island Clam Chowder: This version is clear and broth-based, making it lighter than its New England and Manhattan counterparts. It typically includes clams, broth, potatoes, onions, and bacon. It’s known for its simplicity and focus on the clam flavor.
  4. Other Variations: There are also other less common variations, such as the creamy New Jersey clam chowder, the spicy Minorcan clam chowder found in Florida, and others that might include unique local ingredients or cooking methods.

Clam chowder is a popular dish in the United States, especially in coastal regions where clams are plentiful. It’s a comforting food often enjoyed during cold weather or as a hearty meal by the sea.

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