What is cherries jubilee

Cherries Jubilee is a dessert made of cherries and vanilla ice cream. It is typically served flambéed with cognac or kirsch.

Is there a celebration for cherries jubilee

Cherries jubilee is often associated with celebrations and special occasions. In France, it is traditional to serve cherries jubilee on Bastille Day. In the United Kingdom, cherries jubilee is sometimes served at Christmas.

What are the origins of cherries jubilee

The origins of cherries jubilee are unclear. Some believe that the dessert was created in England in the 19th century. Others believe that it was created in France in the 20th century.

How is cherries jubilee made

Cherries jubilee is typically made with pitted cherries, sugar, and vanilla ice cream. The cherries are cooked in a saucepan with sugar and cognac or kirsch. The ice cream is then added to the pan and the mixture is flambéed.

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