A toasted marshmallow is a classic treat that’s golden-brown on the outside and soft and gooey on the inside. The perfect toasted marshmallow has a slightly crisp, caramelized outer layer, with a warm, melted center that stretches and oozes when pulled apart.

How to Make a Toasted Marshmallow:

  1. Preparation:
    • You’ll need marshmallows, roasting sticks (long skewers or sticks), and a heat source like a campfire, fire pit, or even a gas stove.
  2. Spearing the Marshmallow:
    • Take a roasting stick and spear a marshmallow through the center, making sure it’s secure but not too tight, so it doesn’t split.
  3. Toasting:
    • Hold the marshmallow about 6-12 inches above the fire, rotating slowly to evenly toast all sides. The key is to avoid direct contact with the flames (unless you like a charred marshmallow).
    • As it toasts, the surface will start to turn golden-brown and slightly puff up. Keep rotating until it reaches your desired level of doneness.
  4. Enjoy:
    • Once it’s toasted to your liking, pull it away from the heat and let it cool for a few seconds. The outside should be crisp while the inside is warm and gooey.
    • You can eat it as is, or sandwich it between graham crackers with a piece of chocolate to make a s’more.

Toasting marshmallows is a simple but delightful experience that’s all about personal preference, whether you like it lightly browned or charred and crispy!

Image from Wikipedia